
Choosing Superior Cleaning Services

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Choosing Superior Cleaning Services

There aren't many things more frustrating than a messy business, which is why I started looking for incredible cleaning services who could help me out. I wanted my business to be just as neat and tidy as I felt, which is why I started focusing so heavily on choosing a cleaning company. After searching all over and interviewing more cleaners than you can imagine, I was able to find a business that really seemed to understand my vision. They were amazing to work with, and before I knew it, they were working hard tidying up my warehouse. Check out this blog for information about cleaning services.

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Juniper Tree Trimming Tips For Homeowners

If your property is located in a high desert area where juniper trees naturally grow, then it is important for you to know how to properly prune them. Juniper tree wood is very hard and full of oils, so you need to take some special care when you trim this species of tree. Below are some tried and true tips for successfully and correctly pruning juniper trees to keep them healthy and growing well for decades to come:

Tip: Trim Juniper Trees in the Late Winter or Early Spring

Various tree species need to be trimmed at different times of the year. Juniper trees and related species should always be trimmed during the late winter or early spring season. You should time your pruning session after the last freeze of the year and before the tree puts on new growth in the spring.

Tip: Know Which Branches to Trim and Which to Leave Growing

When you prune your juniper trees, start by removing any dead or diseased branches first. Secondly, cut out any branches that are crossing each other and rubbing together. These branches open wounds that can let in tree diseases and insect infestations. Finally, finish by trimming all of the branches of the tree that are low to the ground and some of the branches in the middle of the tree. Trimming the lower branches makes the tree stronger and able to grow higher. Trimming some branches out of the middle of the tree allows air to circulate around the tree's branches and helps to keep the tree healthier.

Tip: Use Properly Sanitized Pruners and Saws

When you prune your property's juniper trees, your saw and pruner blades will come into contact with the inner wood structures of the tree. This contact makes your tree susceptible to disease and insect infestation. To keep your tree healthy, it is vital that you always sanitize your blades before cutting into it. If you will be cutting multiple trees, then you need to sanitize the blades between trees as well. Sanitization helps to prevent transmitting a disease from one tree to another as you cut them.

Tip: Seek Professional Help If Necessary

Since pruning a juniper tree is not as simple of a project as it seems like it would be, you may soon discover that you cannot reach branches that need to be removed or that you do not know how to safely do so. If this is the case, then you should contact a tree trimming service like Home & Commercial Cleaning Service.