Have A Commercial Cleaning Service Focus On These Areas When You Move Into A New Office
When you operate a business and you're planning to expand, one of the first priorities will be to move into a new location. Finding the right new facility can take a significant amount of time, which may make you eager to get settled in and get back to business. However, instead of rushing the process of moving in, it can be worthwhile to delay your move slightly to give a commercial cleaning service a chance to thoroughly go through your new office. Having the new location clean and tidy when your staff moves in will be a morale booster, as well as prevent the hassles that come with trying to clean their own space. Here are some particular areas on which to ask your cleaning company to concentrate.
Reception Area
Your reception area is the first thing (and often the only thing) that clients may see upon visiting your office. As such, it's imperative that this area is spotless. You don't know the cleaning standards of the building's previous tenants, so it's imperative that you make sure your cleaning service puts a strong focus into working in this area. The floor should be spotless and any stains in the carpet should be removed. If there's an existing reception desk, it should also be polished to remove old fingerprints that may be on the wood or glass.
Employee Break Area
If your office has a place for your employees to prepare and eat their lunch or just relax while on break, ensure that your cleaning service can transform the look of this space. Having this location thoroughly cleaned sends a clear message that you value your employees and their comfort. For example, if you strictly focus on areas that will be used by customers and management, it's sending a signal that you aren't very interested in your employees' comfort.
Employee Bathrooms
Having your employees' bathrooms carefully cleaned not only shows that you respect your staff, but having clean bathrooms can also be a sanitary and comfort issue. If the previous tenant didn't hire a cleaning service to adequately clean the bathrooms, they may be below cleanliness standards when you move in. Having your cleaning professionals thoroughly scrub all of the surfaces, deal with the toilets, urinals, and sinks, wipe down the door handles, and ensure that the mirror is spotless will be a welcome sight for your employees when they move in and begin using the bathrooms.
For more information on janitorial services, contact a company like NYC Office Cleaners.