How To Help Your Warehouse Janitorial Staff Perform Better
Whether you employ in-house warehouse cleaners or you contract with an outside service, you depend on your cleaners to keep your warehouse clean — and also safe. You want them to do a good, thorough job whenever they clean, but it is partially your responsibility to ensure they're able to do that. Here are some ways you can help your janitorial staff perform better.
1. Use floor labeling
Floor labeling is a really easy way to make sure everything is put where it needs to be in your warehouse. You can not only label where stacks of certain products are meant to go, but also spaces where forklifts and other equipment can be parked, where mopping buckets can go, and where empty pallets can be stacked. This makes it easier for your cleaning staff to put everything back where it goes, and it helps ensure they won't leave anything in a space someone needs to park product the next morning.
2. Purchase ergonomic cleaning equipment.
Whether it's a mop, a broom, or a ride-on floor cleaner, make sure you choose a product that is ergonomic. In other words, make sure it is made to be used with comfort. Your cleaners won't get as sore or tired when using the equipment, which means they won't have to take as many breaks and will get more done.
3. Designate a big recycling space.
Assuming your cleaning staff is responsible for picking up any trash and also taking the trash out to the compacter, this tip will help a lot. Staff can put items in the recycling area throughout the day, which save your cleaning staff from having to sort the garbage and recycling out. This also gives them a space to leave any plastic, metal, or glass items that come across or generate during cleaning, so they don't have to run to the outside recycling bin again and again.
4. Use a good air filter.
Make sure the air filters in your HVAC system are new and working well. This will keep so much dust from accumulating on the surfaces in the warehouse. If your cleaning staff does not have to repeatedly remove dust from surfaces, they will have more time to focus on other tasks.
Warehouse janitorial is quite a job, but your cleaning staff can handle it — especially if you take the steps above to help them be more effective and more productive