Disinfect Carpets At Your Place Of Business
If you operate a daycare or another facility where young children play, having the carpeting deep-cleaned each year will reduce harmful allergens. Professional carpet cleaning will disinfect carpet fibers, plus it will improve the aesthetical appeal of the floor coverings in your place of business.
Extraction And Encapsulation
A hot water extraction process and an encapsulation process are used by professional carpet cleaners. One cleaning process uses water. The other one uses dry granules. A hot water extraction process is typically used to clean an entire expanse of carpeting. An encapsulation process may be used to spot clean stains or to treat smaller carpets.
Before you hire a carpet cleaner, request information about the cleaning tools that they use. Carpet cleaning products that are used in settings that people occupy will not be harmful. Scented products will not only freshen up the appearance of a carpet, but they will also add a pleasant scent to each room that contains carpeting.
A carpet cleaner will outline the cleaning methods, plus will let you know how long it will take to clean the carpeting at your business. The amount of money that you will be charged for a professional cleaning session will be dependent upon the amount of square footage that the carpet covers.
Preparations For The Cleaning Session
Moving items out of the way will ensure that your carpet cleaner can access the entire expanse of carpeting that you have requested they clean. Designate an alternate room for the temporary storage of furnishings, toys, and other loose items that are currently on the carpet.
If there are long curtains in a room that contains carpeting, secure them so that they do not drape down onto the carpet. Move items within hallways that could impede the carpet cleaner's ability to bring their cleaning equipment into your place of business.
The Aftermath
You do not need to be present while the carpets are cleaned. It is in your best interest, however, to be present when the carpet cleaning is about to conclude. Your carpet cleaner will let you know how long it will take for the carpet fibers to dry.
You can use fans or fresh air to speed up the drying process. While the carpeting is still damp, refrain from walking on the carpet fibers. After you are certain that the carpeting has dried, move the furnishings, toys, and other loose items back into each room that contains carpeting.